DethKlok - The Dethalbum + Deluxe Bonus Disc [2007]
Группа: Dethklok
Альбом: The Dethalbum + Deluxe Bonus Disc
Жанр: Death Metal
Страна: USA
Год: 2007
Качество: mp3 320 kb/s
Размер: 120Mb+45Mb
Disc 1 - The Dethalbum
I - Murmaider
II - Go Into the Water
III - Awaken
IV - Bloodrocuted
V - Go Forth and Die
VI - Fansong
VII - Better Metal Snake
VIII - The Lost Vikings
IX - Thunderhorse
X - Briefcase Full of Guts
XI - Birthday Dethday
XII - Hatredcopter
XIII - Castratikron
XIV - Face Fisted
XV - Dethharmonic
XVI - Deththeme
Disc 2 - Deluxe Bonus Disc
I - Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle
II - Blood Ocean
III - Murdertrain a Comin'
IV - Pickles Intro
V - Kill You
VI - Hatredy
VII - Dethklok Gets in Tune
Скачать The Dethalbum
Скачать Deluxe Bonus Disc